Practice Makes Imperfect: Changing Your Life One MicroMovement At A Time

with Rav Kohenet Taya Mâ Shere

Practice Makes Imperfect emerges from Taya Mâ’s two decades teaching transformative ritual and from her struggles and successes in realms of tending the creative sacred and in rocking (and not) the basic building blocks of life. 

This course is for you if you know how you most want to feel, or what you most want to create, yet are still clarifying or wrestling with how to actually get there. Our journey focuses on showing up fully inside the myriad micromovements that shape living into a large life. 

This class is lecture/transmission and Q&A based, with content delivered weekly in the course portal and on our weekly live integration calls. Practice Makes Imperfect is experientially focused, and invites accountability in ways that are most resonant for you. Our curriculum is iterative, in response to what emerges in our communal container. You’ll get the most out of this journey if you actually do the homework ;) — and you are welcome even if not doing homework is the main thing you wrestle with.