
Mei Mei Miriaym

Mei Mei is a maggid of mayim chayim, living waters, and a charash, a shape shifter, reshaping wood into yads, and consciousness through storytelling, teaching, empathic traveling, and fiction writing.  A priestess of the Yoruba deity of fresh water Osun since 1992, Nigeria is my other home. A Hasid at heart, a Bay Fall, too. A gosheret gesharim, a bridge builder, and a shomeret, a guardian, of trees, plants, water, people and other animals.  An anthropologist of religion, and teacher of Africana studies with particular interests in genders, religions and arts. The maggid of my shul. Co-edited Osun Across the Waters: A Yoruba Goddess in Africa and the Americas, and numerous articles about Yoruba religion.  Writer of a Jewish mystical lesbian historical novel, The Lioness on the Ark, as well as an ongoing series of midrash on Animal Judaism. Water is medicine, and people are medicine, including the furry, scaled, leafed, winged and web footed. Ire, ire, ire, ire, ire-o!