
Liviah Wessely


Kohenet Sho'eret Liviah Oreget Shirim, ordained in the seventh class of Kohanot, is known as Guardian and Song Weaver. She regularly held ritual space for the Kohenet community, as well as leading, co-leading, and acting as Cyber-Gabbai. K'Liviah has co-led for Yelala, Kesher Pittsburgh, the Nechama Minyon, and for rituals designed for individuals around both traditional and created life events: weddings, funerals, memorials, shiva minyanim, baby namings, passages, beginnings, and endings. She teaches Theatre and English at Northern Virginia Community College, and is a theatre director, producer, designer and dramaturg. Liviah is the mother of three adults, a painter and poet, an opera singer, and an engineer, plus two cats--Cary Grant and Grace Kelly--and spends a great deal of her time in the kitchen.

Rebecca Lemus

Rebecca Ruth Lemus is the daughter of Sheila Lemus, grandaughter of Helen Wilson, and great grandaughter of Leena Levine. 

She is currently is excited about the collective vision of the rising of the G-dss Conciousness in Sisterhoods at this time and is currently a Shamanic healing student at G-dss Mountain with Kohenet/Sophia High Priestess Tianna Mirape. She is currently living in the beautiful Greenbelt Maryland where she is in service as an Artist to the community. She can be found playing Klezmer Clarinet, working with Jewish Youth Groups, and supporting the public school system with long term subbing assignments in visual art, general and instrumental music education, and english as a second language.