Mischa Skolnik

Mischa is an artist of life, who creates spaces and situations for personal growth and collective development. She is the owner of Midnight Picnic, a platform for life coaching, event planning, and cooking through which she works her magic. She works with individuals and groups to hold people accountable for the changes they want to make to improve their overall health and happiness. She nourishes the mind, body, and spirit to encourage others to tap into their inner light, as a way of reclaiming balance, beauty, and wholeness. She is a ceremonialist, who helps create meaningful rituals, experiences, and practices for various life passages. As a priestess and yogini, she is an advocate of diving deep into the inner worlds to comb through old paradigms and restore love, joy, happiness, and balance to the human experience. She is an advocate of authentic human relating, and works heavily in the realms of relationships, community building, and transformation of all limitations to experiencing the fullness and awesomeness of life!