Annie Matan


Kohenet Annie Matan is an ordained Hebrew Priestess, with a thriving business that offers Spiritual Guidance, Super-Power Mentorship, and Facilitation of Life-cycle rituals and Sacred Spaces. A Jewish, Queer, Polyam single Mama, Annie is passionate about supporting people of all genders to feel seen, heard, and held as their whole selves in all spaces in their lives. Her bespoke weddings, baby welcomings, funerals and other life cycle transition rituals honour the realities of Interfaith, Queer and Polyam folks by weaving together their families’ and ancestral traditions with their authentic, contemporary, feminist values. In her Spiritual Guidance sessions and online Red Tent circles, Annie offers mentorship and facilitates supportive conversations on intuitive gifts, transitions, sex and our intimate relationships with our bodies, ourselves and our partners. Annie is also an artist and singer, crafting expressions and explorations of the Sacred Feminine using crochet, clay, painting and song. You can follow her work on her Substack blog, The Priestess is IN and you’ll find archival episodes of her podcast partnership, Tending Lilith’s Fire with The Lilith Institute’s D’vorah Grenn on YouTube. Annie lives in Toronto, Canada and works both locally and online.

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