spiritual counseling

Juna Berry Madrone

Kohenet Tamar bat Sarah (Juna Berry Madrone) lives and loves in Ashland Oregon. A mystic sourced by Nature and the feminine Divine, Juna supports the evolution of others through spiritual counseling.  Modalities include Tarot Netivot, a Jewish mystical system; spiritual psychotherapy - Soul Memory Discovery; and transformative ritual. 

Website / Email: juna@naturalmysticguide.com / Phone: (707) 932-1068

Kohenet Ahava Lilith evershYne

Ahava Lilith evershYne lives in Tallahassee, Florida. She is the current facilitator of monthly Kohenet healing ritual calls, co-facilitator of weekly Torah study calls, creatress of Danger Zonah: Kohenet Radical Cheerleading Squad, and has been a Wiccan priestess for over 20 years. She crafts and facilitates life cycle rituals, Rosh Chodesh and other wheel of the year rituals, offers spiritual counseling and divination sessions, is a student, writer, activist, enChantress/songstress, Reiki master, and faerie G!ddusmother.