Embodied Presence: A Virtual Practicum
With Rav Kohenet Taya SherE

November 18, 2019 - January 10, 2020

This 8-week practicum invites and supports us to cultivate a being-ness that is aligned with our essential self and gifts and with Source. Explore right pace, inhabit space, be guided by gratitude and become fluent in state transmission. Embodied Presence engages simple and potent exercises and inquires to activate awareness, to strengthen and supply our sensory selves and to empower our embodied presence. Concentrated content is made available each Monday morning in the course forum in both audio and print form. Practicing and exploring together, we become additionally, exceptionally here and whole. Taya Mâ is available for questions & feedback regarding course content on group Zoom calls Thursday November 21 at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET and Sunday January 5 at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm ET.

Cost is $200 for the course, payable by Paypal to kohenetvirtualtemple@gmail.com (as a friends and family payment to avoid fees). This course is open to all who are drawn - across genders and faith traditions - you needn't be a Kohenet student to register.

Session 1: Presencing Pace

Session 2: Presencing Grace & Gratitude

SEssion 3: Presencing Space

SEssion 4: Presencing Place & Elementals

SEssion 5: Presencing Soma

Session 6: Presencing State

SEssion 7: Presencing Form & Flow

Session 8: Presencing Completion