Priestesses of the Hebrew Bible
october - december 2022
Thursdays, 3:00-4:15pM ET: October 20, October 27, November 3, November 10, November 17, December 1, December 8, December 15
***NEW: PArt II Mini-series coming Jan-Feb 2023: Jan 19, 26 and Feb 2, 9***
Where can we find priestess role models in the Hebrew Bible? What are the practices, skills, or approaches we could learn from them? From Miriam to Tamar, from Chanah to Devorah, from Tziporah to Samson’s mother, discover sacred moments in the stories of prophets and wise women, dedicants and holy outcasts. We’ll look at the Bible, midrash, archaeology and our own imaginings to deepen our understanding of biblical priestessing.
Classes will be offered live and recorded for review and/or access across timezones. This course is open to all who are drawn - and is inclusive of all genders and faith traditions. You needn't be a Kohenet student to register.
Full Course Cost: $225. Payment plans are available.
Mini-series Cost: $130. Payment plans are available.
Registration is currently closed