In this Mother’s Day weekend retreat, encounter the Divine Mother through the lens of ancient and contemporary Jewish mystical lore.
Deep in kabbalah and hidden corners of the Bible, legacies of the Divine Mother abound. She is known as Cosmic Womb, Holy of Holies, Cloud of Glory, Lady Wisdom, Sabbath Queen and, simply, Earth. Meet Her through chant, embodied practice, spirit journey, and in dreams. Through creative play and devoted time in nature, create space for Her to dwell. Learn from the paths of the priestesses of biblical times, and experience their ways of visioning and being.
For a decade, the faculty of the Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute have been training women in sacred leadership in an earth-based, embodied mode that emphasizes transformative ritual. With these experienced teachers, explore ancient archetypes that are applicable to women’s sacred work as well as to men’s inner feminine roles, including Weaver, Shrinekeeper, Prophetess, Wise Woman, and Seeker. Through these archetypes and their gifts, we will learn practices to support encounter with the divine feminine, re-igniting the spark of the Divine Mother in ourselves and in our world.